The UK automotive industry acknowledges the significance of diversity and inclusivity within its workforce. However, attracting and retaining both female talent and skilled male technicians remains a significant challenge. The key points below shed light on these difficulties and propose potential solutions:

1. Gender Imbalance: The industry experiences a notable gender imbalance, with a disproportionately higher number of male employees in various technical and non-technical roles.

2. Attracting Female Talent: Barriers such as societal perceptions, stereotypes, and limited awareness of opportunities within the sector contribute to the underrepresentation of women in automotive careers.

3. Breaking Stereotypes: Challenging prevailing stereotypes associated with automotive professions is crucial. Promoting the diverse range of roles available, showcasing successful women in the industry, and supporting mentorship programs can encourage more women to pursue automotive careers.

4. Promoting Training and Education: Encouraging young girls and women to pursue education in relevant fields, is vital for developing a qualified pool of female candidates. Collaborating with educational institutions, offering scholarships or apprenticeships, and highlighting the benefits of automotive careers can foster the growth of skilled female technicians.

5. Retaining Talent: Creating a supportive work environment that offers equal opportunities for career growth, implementing family-friendly policies, and prioritising work-life balance contribute to higher job satisfaction and retention rates among both male and female technicians.

“I had the pleasure of meeting Louise Baker, Company Director of Womanic, at the recent Automechanika Event in Birmingham. She said, ‘Having been in the motor trade for over 20 years, working in different areas and environments, she has worked super hard to earn the respect and support from many people. However, she feels the time has come for us not to PROVE who we want to be or where we want to go. We should be working together to support one another because we are good at what we do – committed, motivated, and dedicated to the trade. As women, we are just as competent as men and are more than capable of being successful, motivated, knowledgeable INDIVIDUALS.’ She said it is time to remove the automotive stigma of the trade being male-dominated. The barrier is broken – let the women flood the premises!” You can find more about Louise Baker and Womanic on her LinkedIn page.

The UK automotive industry acknowledges the need for greater gender diversity and inclusion. Efforts are underway to address the challenges of attracting diverse talent. The industry can create a more inclusive and balanced workforce by breaking stereotypes, promoting education, training, and establishing supportive workplaces. Overcoming these struggles will benefit the industry and drive innovation and success in the automotive sector.