Above the Line or Below the Line – Where do you want to be?

We speak to hundreds of candidates every week who are looking for a new challenge and one question we always ask is “ what is your motivation for change ”. The answers are often what we would all expect to hear. Better pay, promotion, improved work life balance.

We also get answers where candidates have become disillusioned with who they are working for, this spans across every role we recruit for from candidates who valet cars to people who are running multi million pound business and everything in between. In many cases the answer may be in the visual below.

If you are surrounded by colleagues, or even worse a line Manager who drags you below the line. It will drive you to look for alternative employment. Over the years, I’ve seen dealerships where staff turn has been running over 40% and almost everyone you speak to is below the line.

The Management team are in DENIAL, everyone seems to BLAME each other and you then hear the EXCUSES behind an inevitable poor performance. If you feel you are below the line and can’t see a way forward, reach out to a recruiter who will be able to support you in finding a role where teams are ACCOUNTABLE, TAKE OWNERSHIP and are RESPONSIBLE for their actions. We are here to help.